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5 Brilliant Reasons Why Art Blogs are The Next Big Thing for Your Marketing

Have you thought about writing an art blog, but can't decide if it is worth your time? There are many reasons why a blog can be a great tool to grow your creative business. From SEO to branding to building an engaged audience, the positive effects from art blogs are endless! Marketing art is tough, but a blog can be a great tool to add to your toolbox to make it so much easier!

Consistent Visits

Art blogs are a great tool to, one, hold yourself accountable to deadlines and to, two, build up an audience interested in your content and therefore also interested you as an artist. Marketing art is all about building connections with your clients. Most artwork sells to people who connect with the story behind the piece. An artist blog is a great way to share this story. These audience members are likely to be your biggest fans, share your work and become repeat customers.

Instagram for artists usually looks like posting something that generates traction for 24-48 hours then is essentially never seen again. With a blog, your content can continue to be read for days, years, or even decades to come.

Anyone with a creative career can attest that the hardest part of marketing is thinking of exciting content to draw customers to your site time and time again. The best art blog does just that in an authentic and consistent was. This allows your traffic to stay up even when you are not producing or sharing new artwork or collections.

Consider SEO

When marketing art we typically think of social media, but another great way to boost your site is through SEO or Search Engine Optimization. Basically, SEO effects how highly you rank on google. It is based on numerous factors, but two of the largest factors are keywords and relevancy. Blogging is a great way to pack your website with keywords without even trying and it’s a great way to boost how relevant your page is to those who are googling topics related to art. This means people who don't know you will still find your site! How great is that?

Builds Your Audience and Forms Relationship

As mentioned above, art blogs can be a great way to build and foster your collector audience. To take a person from an Instagram follower to a collector, you need to connect with them. Writing about yourself and your work is one of the easiest ways to form this connection.

The difference between Instagram for artists and a blog for artists is depth. Anyone can look at a post and visually like it, but your ideal customer will want to learn more about you. An artist blog is a great way to share more about you while also bringing those customers to the site to see what work you have available. The best art blogs are authentic, easy to navigate, and builds upon the artist's brand.

Calls to Action Lead to More Sales

Whenever you put out a piece of content that includes pieces of writing, you should use call to actions to encourage your readers to take the next step. In a blog this can look like “now that you read about my inspiration, click here to check out the final collection” or “click here to learn more about…” This tells people what to do next and encourages sales. This also keeps people on your site for longer periods of time which also makes them more likely to purchase.

Builds Your Brand and Gives Insight into Who You Are

Finally, writing in your own voice is one of the best ways to build your brand. We focus so much on social media, but longer format writing like blogs and emails are an even better way to build your brand and show your audience who you are in your own words.

To conclude, marketing artwork is more than just short form content and pictures on Instagram. It is about putting your work into words and building relationships with your audience through writing.

Interested in starting a blog, but don’t know where to start…join our membership page for as little as $10 a month. We share weekly videos on how to start a blog, social media, marketing, financials and more! I️f you like my blog and Instagram, then I️ GUARANTEE it is just what you need.

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